Building BB-8: Part 5 – Dome Assembly Electronics (Schematic)

The connection are as follows:


DF Mini (MP3) Player

DF Mini Player Pins

DF Mini Player > Arduino Nano & Speaker

  • VCC > 5V Pin
  • RX > PIN 5 as TX (Place a 220 ohms resistor in between, using SoftwareSerial)
  • TX > PIN 4 RX (Place a 220 ohms resistor in between, using SoftwareSerial)
  • SPK_1 > Speaker – (Negative)
  • GND > GND Pin
  • SPK_2 > Speaker + (Positive) and Pin A5 on the Arduino
  • BUSY > A5 Pin




RGB LED > Arduino Nano

  • Data Out > Pin 6 (Place a 470 ohms resistor in between)
  • GND > GND Pin (Connect to  a 1000 uF capacitor -)
  • 5V > 5V Pin (Connect to the same 1000 uF capacitor +)
  • Data In > Previous RGB LED Data Out (If this is not the first LED)



HM-10 Bluetooth Module

HM-10 Bluetooth Module
HM-10 > Arduino Nano

  • VCC > 5V Pin
  • GND > GND Pin
  • RX > PIN 9 as TX (Using AltSoftSerial)
  • TX > PIN 8 RX (Using AltSoftSerial)



For more robotics, 3D printing and amazing Arduino projects, check out IXEN Robotics Singapore website.

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